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Delete a Monitored Appearance

You can permanently delete a monitored appearance from the Monitored Appearances view.

Note: If you want only to suspend monitoring for a selected user, see Activate and Deactivate Monitored Appearances

To delete a monitored appearance:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • If you have not yet configured a monitored appearance, open the Application Settings dialog box.

    • If you already have one monitored appearance, in the Monitored Appearances view, right-click in the right side pane and select Configure Appearances.

  1. In the Application Settings dialog box, click the Monitored Appearances node.

  1. In the Monitored Appearances property details pane, select Manage Users.

Result: The Manage Users dialog box appears.

  1. In the Manage Users  dialog box, in the Selected list, select the user you no longer want to monitor and click< to move the name back to the Available list.

  1. Click Submit.

Result: The Monitored appearance for the selected user is deleted.

Related Topics

Activate and Deactivate Monitored Appearances

Configure Monitored Appearances

Customize Monitored Appearance Alerts

Working with Monitored Appearances