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Co-browse is a collaborative web browsing experience shared between a CIC agent and a visitor to your website. It enables the visitor to show an agent an issue or get direct assistance on a webpage. The agent can see and interact with the visitor's view of the webpage. The agent can direct the visitor to information or help resolve an issue. The limits of the agent's manipulation of the visitor's screen are at the customer's discretion. At the same time, the agent can talk to or chat with the visitor.

Note: The CIC agent must be a Genesys Cloud Engage customer and also employ Interaction Connect to participate in the co-browse session. Your CIC administrator must also enable Genesys Cloud for PureConnect and complete the necessary Co-Browse Configuration and Setup procedures.

User experience

A website visitor calls your company and is routed to a CIC agent or the visitor initiates a chat with one of your CIC agents. Once contact is made, the visitor clicks a button on your website to initiate a co-browse session with the agent. This generates a session code which the visitor can see. The visitor provides the agent with the necessary co-browse session code.

In Interaction Connect, the agent uses this code to join the co-browse session. Once joined, the agent can see everything the website visitor sees. The agent uses the Co-browse view to interact with the webpage currently displayed on the visitor's workstation. The agent can point, type, or click controls on the web page. The agent's activities are limited to this current webpage. Your website developer can mask sensitive data such as credit cards numbers which may appear on this webpage.

Related Topics

Co-browse sidebar

Co-browse view

Transfer a Co-browse session

Use Co-browse during an interaction

Website Visitor's Co-browse toolbar

Co-browse requirements

Co-browse configuration and setup overview