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Client Templates

Requirements: You need the Manage Client Templates and Customize Client Security rights to create or edit templates for other Interaction Connect users. To apply the templates to users, the administrator needs the Client Templates Administrator Access right. An Interaction Connect user needs the Customize Client Security right to add, move, or remove views supplied by a client template.

Client templates affect the appearance and functionality of Interaction Connect. You create client templates in Interaction Connect. Interaction Connect saves client templates to the CIC server. A CIC administrator uses Interaction Administrator to apply templates to users, roles, and workgroups.

Client templates:

  • Display a standard set of views.

    Important: A user’s Access Control rights and Security Rights determine whether a view appears in an agent's interface. For example, if an applied template includes a workgroup queue view, the user still needs the View Workgroup Queues Access Control right for that queue to see this view.

  • Set a default location for views included in the client template.

Default views

Interaction Connect displays My Interactions and the Company Directory views by default for any new user not assigned a template.

Changes to Templates

If you edit a client template, the agents assigned that template don't see those changes until an administrator reapplies the template in Interaction Administrator. Similarly, deleting a template does not affect agents assigned that template until an administrator assigns them another template.

Applying Templates

A CIC administrator applies templates in Interaction Administrator. This administrator needs the Client Templates Administrator Access right. For more information, see Publish a client template in the Interaction Administrator help.

Related Topics

Create a Client Template

Edit a Client Template

Delete a Client Template